Sunday, March 4, 2012


Have you ever made a choice that seemed good at the time, but in the deepest part of the night you awoke racked with regret?  And you spent the next 2 agonizing, sleep chasing hours asking "What was I thinking?"?  Well, here we are....
At 1:30 AM I awoke to my "gotta-go" internal alarm, and, on a normal night, I would execute this routine with the rapid precision of a well trained ninja...last night was no normal night!!  Last night this task took on the characteristics of an epic adventure. 
I do not remember getting out of bed, yet am clear when my adventure began.  I was painfully jolted from my mobile slumber when I attempted to lower myself to my porcelain throne.  Suddenly the back of my right leg was trying to free itself from the confines of my hip, I found myself grasping, albeit unsuccessfully, for anything to hold onto.  My bathroom has precious little but smooth, traction-less walls, so I watched as got closer to the floor and it drifted out of focus (yes, I also have lack-of-close-up vision to add to my growing list of things to be grateful for).  I am on the floor, rolling around, trying desperately to get myself to a sitting position so I can stretch this angry hamstring but I am unable to straighten my leg, my limbs flailing like a cockroach stuck on his back, and I hear the pounding of paws approaching at an alarming rate.  Apparently this sort of display is some canine signal for "Lick my face".  So now I am rolling on the floor, attempting to bat the dog away, which only makes him pounce harder, not exactly the intended goal, and all I can do is laugh.  Somehow I rolled myself closer to a wall, put my leg up and stretched this angry beast while laying on my back.  As the pain began to subside I heard some distant voice asking..."What were you thinking...returning to running at your age?".   I am not certain how he got into my bathroom at 2:00am, but I unleashed a few choice words and made an executive decision...I would take the day off and rest my traumatized hamstring.

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